Hotel München

Great impressions are always welcome. The refurbished washrooms in the Munich hotel centre is worth a visit to enrich your impressions. It is the perfect example of storytelling through images and enables a real stadium feel.

dimax® organic digital print behind glass was the perfect solution to implement the story onto the sustainable glass material. The digital print is resistant to water and abrasion and was directly glued onto existing tiles in the washroom. Therefore the refurbishment did not cause any dust or noise. In addition, glass is more hygenic and easier to clean than tiles.

In order to tell a 360° degree story, even the aluminium ceiling panels are matching the theme. dimax® metal is the name of the product that enables the individual decoration on high-resistance aluminium panels.

Not only the washroom guarantees a 360° experience but also the services delivered to the entire refurbishment was developped by 360° decoro, an international service and project management company. We created the images, enhanced production and monitored the installation process. Our network partner Laufen provided the sanitary ceramics.